Wednesday, 15 September 2010

Isle of Kos, Greece

Well, it's been an annoying slog getting here but hopefully I'll let that go and really start settling in to the island rhythm. Taxi driver took me to the wrong place this morning but finally sorted it out, then I sat on the boat for an hour before it left. I listened to some Al Stewart as we crossed into Greece - completely appropriate with his evocative lyrics.

Annoyance continued when I went the wrong way entirely and took over an hour of traipsing around with my backpack on before I arrived here. In a few minutes I'll hire a bike and ride out to a nice beach somewhere. Spoke to Nadia at 1pm - we were both annoyed for different reasons! Her unreliable colleagues are messing up her plans for the extra week she's taking off. Funny how things affect us. My traipsing around has left me quite grumpy and I've lost the excitement I had on the ferry listening to Al Stewart. I might try a bit more whilst lying on the beach in an hour or so. I was thinking as we crossed on the ferry - who am I exactly? And my thought was - I'm this Al Stewart-listening, world-travelling, ruins-clambering, medieval literature-reading, inner peace-seeking individual who is most at home doing what I'm doing right now.

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